First get the uuid of an ingested shard object.
Go to http://carme:7880/fedora/search and search for *100fm* (which occurs in the filenames). Click an object, and copy its PID/uuid.
Go to http://carme:7880/fedora/risearch and launch query, with the inserted copied uuid:
select $shard $program from <#ri> where $shard $rel <info:fedora/INSERT_COPIED_UUID_HERE> and $program $rel2 $shard
- From the tab that appears, copy the first (shard) uuid, of the form of e.g. "uuid:b7cfb20f-ca1d-445b-98db-7a9be9d93bec", and use it in the following.
Given the uuid of the ingested shard object, load the page http://<bes_server>:<bes_port>/bes/rest/bes/getobjectstatus?programpid=
- On first load, this should return a piece of XML containing the status "STARTING".
- Load again. The status should now be "STARTED".
Continue to reload. After at most a few minutes, the xml should report a non-zero file-size (flashFileLengthBytes), a completion percentage, and the name of the media file (which will be the uuid with .flv or .mp3 appended).
- Continue to reload. The completion percentage may stop briefly at 99.5% while the file size continues to grow.
- Once the completion percentage has reached 100% the status should change to "DONE" and will remain the same for all subsequent calls.
Check the above for both TV and Radio.