Task DOMS Server
- Title
- DOMS Server
- State
- Not started
- Time used
- Time estimated
The DOMS Server is the point of access through which systems that communicate with DOMS can utilize the features of the system. Features that are taken care of by the different engine parts in DOMS, and which the DOMS Server gathers in an interface accessible for example through the DOMS Client java library. While DOMS Client provides a higher level object oriented abstraction, the DOMS Server API lists a multitude of more basic operations which allow for manipulating objects in Fedora in detail.
A work-in-progress list of suggested operations can be found here: DOMS Server API.
A brainstorm list of DOMS Client functionality, which suggests what should be supported by DOMS Server operations, can be found here: Tasks/30/AnalysisDocument
The DOMS Server implements its operations with calls to high-level bitstorage, ECM and Fedora, as well as using the update tracker for time-data needed for search functionality.
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