Task Test Bed
- Title
- Test Bed
- State
- Not started
- Time used
- Time estimated
This task encompasses maintaining a testbed as a development testing platform. It's goal should be low overhead for deploying a new component.
Probably this task should include some training and documentation for the DOMS team.
Sub tasks
Title | State | Time used | Time estimated | |
Tasks/35/1 | Add New Elements | Not started | 2b/element | |
Tasks/35/2 | Educating Users | Not started | 5a + 2b | |
Tasks/35/3 | Documentation | Not started | 5b | |
Tasks/35/4 | Planets Testbed | Not started | Unknown | |
Tasks/35/5 | Representative Data | Not started | 1a + time from each ECM and DataModel | |
Tasks/35/6 | GUI | Not started | 4c |
Progress history
Iteration | Time used | Status | Notes | Tasks adressed |