Installation description - Version 1

This page describes how to deploy the wowza-plugin-package. The installation package can be found at wowza@triton:~/releases/


  1. Java 6
  2. Wowza Streaming Server version 2.2.3
  3. PostgreSQL version 8.4


These installation steps are required to install the CHAOS Wowza plugin. Replace the placeholders

  1. <ENV> with TEST_TRITON or DEFAULT. That is the machine that resembles the STAGE and PROD setup most.

  2. <VERSION> with 1.0.2rc4


  1. Copy package to the machine where Wowza is installed. ~/releases

  2. Log on to the server and unzip package to a temporary folder on the server.

    unzip ~/releases/ -d ~/tmp/chaos_deploy
  3. Update Server:
    1. Update server configuration files:

      cp ~/tmp/chaos_deploy/WowzaSystemDir/conf/VHosts_<ENV>.xml ~/wowza/conf/VHosts.xml
    2. Copy plugin jars to Wowza lib folder.

      cp ~/tmp/chaos_deploy/WowzaSystemDir/lib/*.jar ~/wowza/lib/
  4. Update VHost:
    1. If updating an existing installation, move or remove the wowza_vhost_chaos folder.

      mv ~/services/wowza_vhost_chaos ~/tmp
    2. Rename correct configuration files:

      pushd ~/tmp/chaos_deploy/chaosSBVHost/conf
      cp VHost_<ENV>.xml VHost.xml
      cd chaos
      cp Application_<ENV>.xml Application.xml
      cp chaos-streaming-server-plugin_<ENV>.properties
    3. Copy VHost deploy folder to virtual host location

      cp ~/tmp/chaos_deploy/chaosSBVHost ~/services/wowza_vhost_chaos
  5. Create db-table for local streaming event logging (password=larm1234)

    cd ~/tmp/chaos-wowza-plugin-release-package-<version>/WowzaSystemDir/bin/dbscripts_version_1.0
    psql -h localhost -d larm-devel -U larm -W -f 01_create_events_table.postgresql
  6. Configure the plugin. See Wowza plugin configuration description - version 1

Log: 2011-05-23:

  1. Updated installation description, step 4.b. Added Default as env.

Wowza plugin installation description - version 1 (last edited 2011-05-23 08:44:44 by heb)