Action review TDR requirements for Data Model
- Assigned
- Prev assigned
- Time estimated
- 2md
- Time used
- 1.5md
- Priority
- 5
- Status
- Finished
- Iteration
- 11
- Notes
TaskA.2.3AnalysisDocument contains a long list of TDR requirements that influence our data modelling language. These should be reviewed, to see if our current design accomodates all the requirements.
We need to go through the list and look up the full descriptions of the requirements, and we need to go through the current data model description, and we need to match the two. There should be two people assigned, such that we can discuss any issues. The time estimated is more a hope than an estimate, but say two people spend each an hour reading up on the material, they spend one hour on a meeting and agree all requirements are met, and one of them spend an hour writing the summary...
Summary + TODO List
We looked through our collected TDR requirements (see TaskA.2.3, TaskC.1), and noted that there is certainly some work here for Milestone5. We however only found few TDR requirements, which affect the data model directly. The TODO list has been added to TaskA.2.3AnalysisDocument and further action is passed on to ActionDataModelFedora3, which will produce the updated data model. I have progress of updated TaskA.2.3 and TaskC.1. -- bam 2008-08-28 08:01:47
Checklist For Working On An Action
The Life Cycle of an Action:
Assign people for action definition: Done at start of iteration status meeting. Fill out Assigned
Define the action: Describe information about what is to be done and how. Fill out Tasks Addressed and Time Estimated.
Review the definition: Get another project group member to review the action definition, and update it.
Assign people for action implementation: Done by project manager, usually the same persons who wrote the definition. Fill out Assigned and Prev assigned if new persons are assigned.
Implement the action: See details below
Review the action: Get another project group member to review what is implemented (code and documentation), and update it.
Finish the action: Change the status to "Finished" and update the "time used" field on the action page.
Please make sure that you address the below issues, when working on an action:
- Update the state of the action to "In Progress" when you start working on it.
- Check if the tasks addressed by this action have their status set to "In Progress". If that is not the case, then change the state of them.
Keep track of how much time that has been spent working on the action. If it addresses more than one task, then make a note on the action page about how much of the elapsed time that has been spent on the individual tasks. Hint: Continually updating the "Time used" field will make it easier for you.
- Update the "Progress History" and documentation pages of each task addressed by this action when appropriate. This depends on the situation, but in general, the task pages should hold all important related information about the work done, experiences gathered, identified requirements and so on.