Action Identify "Gentofte" objects, design datamodel
Gentofte uses a simple data model with few files and few links between objects. The material is PDF and three types of bitmaps. This action should produce a data model for the Gentofte collection. The data model should specify which objects (incl. types) and relations should be created. Concrete implementation, such as disseminators, is not part of this action.
DONE Locate "Gentofte" files (incl. metadata) at Zeus/Klio (see [Årbøger]; see also legacy site)
- DONE (2 md) Construct a model based on the material
- DONE (1 md) Documentation: figures + description of data model
- DONE (scheduled for 1 md, but used only 1/2 md) Construct example foxml objects (simple versions)
- DONE (1 1/2 md) Review of data model documentation and example objects
The end product is documentation of a model and at least two test objects (including file reference).
- It is not clear in this context what a "data model" is.
- The two items Documentation and Review in the Modelling section are unclear
- In Product section test objects are in FoxML, right?
Otherwise fine -- mke 2007-11-06 09:33:47
- I have tried to clarify the descriptions
- And I have added 1 md to construct example objects for release test
-- bam 2007-11-06 10:06:49
The documentation on the model choosen for the Gentofte Project is pending review.
20/11-2007: Combined review meeting Gentofte Data Model, Full Data Model Documentation, Data Model Unresolved Issues with KFC, ABR, JRG, MKE, BAM.
Issues from review addressed and committed -- mke 2007-11-22 10:50:36
- Update WBS tasks