An Example Digital Collection
We have chosen 'Radioavismanuskripter' (see http://merkur/domswiki/Radioavis-manuskripter) as the first example collection to be ingested. This project has been chosen as it is a large collection with a fairly simple structure.
Goals and estimated times
- Handmade example objects for one 'radioavismanuskript' ~ 3 man-days
- Program 'automatic generation of radioavismanuskript objects from files and templates' ~ 7 man-days
- Documentation ~ 2 man-days
- Deadline: Christmas ~ till Easter
Update December 7th
The small handmade 'radioavismanuskript' example is committed (though not quite finished) and can be found in the Ingest/test/.../data/radioavismanuskripter folder (short description)
- A more realistic deadline: January 11th
Update January 26th
- The 'automatic generation of radioavismanuskript objects' has been postponed to allow for updates of the 'ingest 2 example objects' - this means looking at disseminators, bdefs, bmechs, risearch, kowari and making some more design decisions!
- And I will not guess a new deadline, since the above item contains quite a lot of work, and for the radioavismanuskript example to be useful, it should contain some version of an index representation disseminator.
Update April 24th
Automatic generation of radioavismanuskript objects and index representation disseminator part of April Demo