Differences between revisions 4 and 60 (spanning 56 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2008-06-30 09:58:10
Size: 1197
Editor: kfc
Revision 60 as of 2011-01-07 12:51:35
Size: 5120
Editor: abr
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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== Install Guide ==

 * The [[Install Guide]] to the doms system, in danish

== Design ==
The top level design documentation will be available here.

 * [[Deployment and Design of DOMS|The used modules, and the big lines about how they should be deployed and interact]]
 * [[HighLevelDesignDocumentation|High Level Design Documentation]]

## * [:TaskA.4.1DesignDocument: Ingest and Validation Design Document]
 * [[View design document|Design of datamodel views]]
 * [[User System|User system preliminary design]]

== Packages ==
=== Bitstorage ===
 * [[LowLevelBitStorageDesignDoc|Low level bitstorage webservice design]]

=== ECM ===
 * ?

=== IP-Role Mapper ===
 * [[IPRoleMapperUsage|Usage]]
 * [[IPRoleMapperConfiguration|Configuration]]
 * [[IPRoleMapperInstallation|Installation]]

=== Update tracker ===
=== DOMSServer ===
[[DOMS Server API]]

=== DOMSClient ===
=== Ingest ===
=== DOMS-GUI ===
=== OAI-PMH handling ===
=== Summa integration ===
=== Broadcast Extraction Service ===
 * [[BESReleaseNotes|Release Notes]]
 * [[BESConfiguration|Configuration]]
 * [[BESUsage|Usage]]
=== DOMS Wowza plugin ===
 * [[DOMSWowzaPluginReleaseNotes|Wowza Plugin Release Notes]]
Line 6: Line 48:
Note: APIs below here are abandoned.
Line 9: Line 52:
 * [:SummaryAPIs:Summary of APIs for use by the DOMS GUI]
 * [:Fedora 3.0 API:Fedora 3.0 API as used by DOMS]
 * [:
Fedora 3.0 triple store API:Fedora 3.0 triple store API]
 * [:
LDAP API:The LDAP authentication API as used by DOMS]
 * [:
Bitstorage API:The bitstorage API as used by DOMS]
 * [:
File characterization API:API for file characterisation as used by DOMS]
 * [:PID API:
API for getting a PID as used by DOMS]
 * [:Search API:
API for searching, as used by DOMS]
## * [:SummaryAPIs:Summary of APIs for use by the DOMS GUI]
## * [:Fedora 3.0 triple store API:Fedora 3.0 triple store API / RISearch]
 * [[
Fedora 3.0 API|Fedora 3.0 API as used by DOMS]]
 * [[
LDAP API|The LDAP authentication API as used by DOMS]]
 * [[
Bitstorage API|API for bitstorage as used by DOMS]]
 * [[
File characterization API|API for file characterisation as used by DOMS]]
 * [[PID API|
API for getting a PID as used by DOMS]]
 * [[Search API|
API for searching, as used by DOMS]]
 * [[Risearch API|API for requests to the Resource index]]
 * [[Object creation API|API for getting a new object, cloned from a template]]
 * [[Object manipulation API|API for adding information to objects, currently files]]
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 * [:DataModel: Data Model], [:DataModel/FullDataModel: FullDataModel].
 * Translate ["DOMS_data_formats"]
  * ["DOMS_images"]
  * ["DOMS_audio"]
  * ["DOMS_movies"]
  * ["DOMS_text"]
 * [:DataModel/UnresolvedIssues: Unresolved Issues].
 * [[DataModel|Data Model]]
 * [[DataModelForDDAIntoMiniDOMS|Data Model for De Danske Aviser in MiniDOMS]]
 * [[DataModelForTV2ReklamerIntoDOMS|Data Model for TV2 Reklamer in DOMS]]
 * Data Model for the olde MiniDOMS is available at http://merkur/domswiki/MiniDOMSDataModel (Notice, you are now leaving the domswiki, going to the barren wastelands of the old abandoned MiniDOMS merkur-wiki.)
Line 30: Line 72:
## * Translate ["DOMS_data_formats"]
## * ["DOMS_images"]
## * ["DOMS_audio"]
## * ["DOMS_movies"]
## * ["DOMS_text"]
## * [:DataModel/UnresolvedIssues: Unresolved Issues].
Line 31: Line 79:
 * [[DOMS OAI-PMH repository|DOMS as an OAI-PMH repository]]
Line 32: Line 81:
 * [:DOMS_OAI-PMH_repository: DOMS as an OAI-PMH repository] == GUI Code Docs ==
 * [[DOMSGUIUnderstandingFromMjoelner|Understanding gained from Mjølner]]
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== Design == == Fedora 3 Project ==
 * [[Fedora3/Fedora3|Main document for the Fedora team]]
Line 36: Line 87:
The top level design documentation will be available here. == Picture video for wowza ==
 * [[Wowza/PictureVideoScript|Picture video script]]
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 * [:TaskA.4.1DesignDocument: Ingest and Validation Design Document] == Deployment History ==

||<tablewidth="200px">bes|| ||2010-11-10|| ||
||bes_dev||1308||2010-11-26||vlc-based transcoding||
||bes_exp||1308||2010-11-26|| ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||
|| || || || ||

== "Runtimes" for parts of deployment ==
Useful for those tasks that may be done for deploying DOMS with Radio/TV-recordings and metadata for 2005-2010.

'''''Examples''''' of how long runs and batches have taken:

|| '''Run/batch/process''' || '''Size of task''' || '''Time''' || ||
|| Clear metadata in Ritzau Database (thru psql) || 4553311 objects || about 39 mins || ''Not to be done in prod'' ||
|| Clear metadata in Ritzau Database (thru psql) || 123499 objects (1 month of metadata) || about 2 mins || ''Not to be done in prod'' ||
|| Update channel-mappings in Radio/TV GUI || ? (Colin finds out) || 45 mins for 2.300.000 || ''To be done in prod'' ||
|| Fill Ritzau Database (bart_systemet_mirror.sh) || 1 month of metadata || 7 mins || ''To be done partly in prod (?)'' ||
|| Ingest references to recording-files in Radio/TV system (file_ingester.sh) || 1 month of recording-files || 1.5 mins || ''To be done in prod'' ||
|| Preingest || 546105 xml-files output (21 channels (radio+tv), 2005-2010) || 3-4-5 days || ''To be done in prod'' ||
|| Ingest || objects for 1 preingest-file (2-5 objects pr preingest xml-file) || about 4 secs || ''To be done in prod'' ||
|| Ingest || 274670 preingest-files (about half of 2005-2010) || about 12,5 days || ''To be done in prod'' ||
|| Summa - harvest (incl. ingest) || - || Ca. 2 poster/sek || ''To be done in prod'' ||
|| Summa - indexing || - || 500-1000 poster/sek || ''To be done in prod'' ||


This page contains documentation produced in the DOMS project.

Install Guide


The top level design documentation will be available here.




  • ?

IP-Role Mapper

Update tracker






OAI-PMH handling

Summa integration

Broadcast Extraction Service

DOMS Wowza plugin


Note: APIs below here are abandoned.

The DOMS-related API documentation is a work in progress.

Data Model

The data model documentation is a work in progress.

Data Provider

GUI Code Docs

Fedora 3 Project

Picture video for wowza

Deployment History










vlc-based transcoding




"Runtimes" for parts of deployment

Useful for those tasks that may be done for deploying DOMS with Radio/TV-recordings and metadata for 2005-2010.

Examples of how long runs and batches have taken:


Size of task


Clear metadata in Ritzau Database (thru psql)

4553311 objects

about 39 mins

Not to be done in prod

Clear metadata in Ritzau Database (thru psql)

123499 objects (1 month of metadata)

about 2 mins

Not to be done in prod

Update channel-mappings in Radio/TV GUI

? (Colin finds out)

45 mins for 2.300.000

To be done in prod

Fill Ritzau Database (bart_systemet_mirror.sh)

1 month of metadata

7 mins

To be done partly in prod (?)

Ingest references to recording-files in Radio/TV system (file_ingester.sh)

1 month of recording-files

1.5 mins

To be done in prod


546105 xml-files output (21 channels (radio+tv), 2005-2010)

3-4-5 days

To be done in prod


objects for 1 preingest-file (2-5 objects pr preingest xml-file)

about 4 secs

To be done in prod


274670 preingest-files (about half of 2005-2010)

about 12,5 days

To be done in prod

Summa - harvest (incl. ingest)


Ca. 2 poster/sek

To be done in prod

Summa - indexing


500-1000 poster/sek

To be done in prod

Documentation (last edited 2011-02-24 15:56:00 by jrg)