Verify the Ingest of pre-ingest Files
Done by DOMS-group
The ingester has finished processing the pre-ingest files when the HOTFOLDER runs empty. In order to determine whether the ingest was successful, you will first have to check the contents of the LUKEWARMFOLDER directory, which is easiest to do by executing the below statement - remember to substitute the path to the directory.
ls -1 <PATH_TO_LUKEWARMFOLDER> *.xml | wc -l
Assuming that the LUKEWARMFOLDER directory was empty before the ingest started then the number printed by the command will indicate how many pre-ingest files that failed to be ingested.
However, the above command only tells you how many failures that were actually discovered by the ingester - ideally this should be all failures, but to make sure that all the Radio-TV programs that were ingestes, actually were successfully ingested, we must compare some other numbers. All the pre-ingest files that the ingester thinks were successfully ingested into the DOMS, are moved to the COLDFOLDER directory and it is also quite easy to count them, using the below command.
ls -1 <PATH_TO_COLDFOLDER> *.xml | wc -l
The number returned by the command tells you how many DOMS program objects that were created and published in the DOMS during the ingest operation. Now we need to compare it to the number of published program objects that actually has been added to the DOMS in order to prove that the ingest was indeed successful. Thus, we need to count the current number of published program objects in the DOMS, following these instructions.
Now subtract the program object count obtained before the ingest was started and compare it to the number you got from the above command line. If the numbers are equal then you have had a successful test.