Iteration 21 Fedora with ECM, datamodel investigation

In progress
Fedora with ECM, datamodel investigation

Iteration Actions

The below table contains all the planned actions for this iteration. Each of the actions may contribute to the completion of one or more tasks from the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).

Each action is associated with a priority, estimated time, tasks addressed, responsible developers and a status. The priority indicates the importance of the completion of the action, where the highest priority is indicated with 1, and the status indicates the current state of the action. The state may be one of the following: "Not Started", "In Progress" and "Finished".

When an iteration ends please walk through the actions and follow these steps on the "iteration end meeting":

Priority Time used Time estimated Assigned Status Tasks adressed Notes
Actions/Analyze Workflow 5 2md 2md EK(2md) In progress [[Tasks/1/2]]
Actions/Finish ECM Code 5 6md, 3½md(KFC) 12md ABR(7md),KFC(4md) Finished [[Tasks/5/1]]
Actions/High Level Design Documentation 5 2md(JRG), 2md(KFC) 6md KFC(1md), PKO(2md), JRG(3md), ABR(1md) In progress [[Tasks/7/4]]
Actions/Hook ECM API 5 1.5md(ABR), 0.5md(JRG) 3md ABR(2md), JRG(1md) Finished [[Tasks/3/2]]
Actions/How to use FRBR 5 4md (EK) 4md PKO(1md), EK(3md) Needs review [[Tasks/1/1/1]]
Actions/Open Source DOMS 5 2md(JRG), 5md(KFC) 5md KFC(2md), PKO(2md), JRG(1md) In progress [[Tasks/3/1]]
Actions/Open Source of ECM 5 0md 0md ABR(0md) Finished [[Tasks/5/4]]

Iterations/21 (last edited 2010-03-17 13:12:55 by localhost)