A. Possible to Describe All Digital Material in Fedora

State: Not started

Time used: 0 md.


This task encompasses building the actual DOMS repository component. This will be based on Fedora.

To reach this goal, it is necessary to

The subtasks describe more details on these goals.

Sub tasks


Parent task

Progress history

Iteration Time used Status Notes
ActionBitStorageWebservice 15 0md In progress (semi-done)
ActionBitStorageWebservicePartTwo 16 ½md (BAM) Finished. Need fix todos action later
ActionDataModelFedora3 11,12 6md In progress
ActionDataModelTDRRequirements 11 1.5md Finished
ActionFedoraApiEvaluation 10 0md Finished Evaluate the Fedora 3 API. Decide whether or not it will be suited as the interface to the DOMS system.
ActionFedoraJournalingEvaluation 10 0md Finished Evalutate on the structural use of Fedora, namely on the use of Journaling
ActionFedoraXACML Evaluation 10 3md Finished Evaluate if the Fedora XACML authorization system is sufficient for DOMS
ActionHowToDeleteObjects 14 0.5md Finished
ActionMetadataStandards 13 1.5h Not started
ActionRISearchWrapper 14 2.5md Finished
ActionTestbedBitStorage 12 0.5md (ABR) In progress
ActionTestbedDelivery 11 1.5md Finished Depends on all the other Testbed actions
ActionTestbedFedora 11 6h Finished
ActionTestbedFileCharacterisation 12 4md+ In progress Coded, review halfway, ant-build needed, discussion needed
ActionTestbedPIDGenerator 11 5md Finished
ActionTestbedSearch 12 3md In progress Code style and review needed
ActionUpdateDatamodelDocumentation 13 2md In progress
ActionValidator 14 0md Description in progress


Made a round-up of what parts of this task have been made so far and by whom. See details here.

TaskA (last edited 2010-03-17 13:12:58 by localhost)