STAGE-Test of DOMS RadioTV System

High-level overview of tests in STAGE:


Test succeeded (yes/no)

If no, what went wrong?

Start tomcat - is the DOMS running?

yes (2011-01-20)

Start the ingester - does it run properly?

yes (2011-01-20)

Start the pre-ingester - does it run properly?

to be tested..

Verify that all pre-ingest files have been successfully ingested in the DOMS.

yes, yes (2011-01-24)

Verify that we can clip a media file out from an ingested object

to be tested..

Verify that the ingested objects can be found by search and played in the web browser

to be tested..

How to count published radioTV program objects in Fedora

The machines used for stage-testing are the folowing:

The machines used for internal DOMS test are: