STAGE-Test of DOMS RadioTV System

High-level overview of tests in STAGE:


Test succeeded (yes/no)

If no, what went wrong?

Start tomcat - is the DOMS running?

yes (2011-01-31)

Start the ingester - does it run properly?

yes (2011-01-31)

Bulk ingest BART files

yes (2011-01-31)

Start the pre-ingester - does it run properly?

yes (2011-02-03)

(only DRHF 2009 had no files, as the channel didn't exist at the time

Were pre-ingest files successfully ingested?

yes (2011-01-24), to be tested again..

Can we clip a media file out from an ingested object?

yes (2011-01-25) (not tested that the cutout is the correct, just that it cuts)

Can the ingested objects be searched and played in a browser?

to be tested..

Is the ticket system able to time out tickets?

to be tested..

Will invalid tickets prevent a user from streaming video?

to be tested..

Will a wrong IP be prevented to watch the videos?

to be tested..

Test that video playback is not possible, if the doms plugin is not on the classpath

to be tested..

How to count published radioTV program objects in Fedora

The machines used for stage-testing are the folowing:

The machines used for internal DOMS test are: