Work Breakdown Structure

The Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) contains all the tasks to be completed in this project. Each task may consist of a number of sub-tasks and be linked to documentation that is relevant for it and its sub-tasks. Please use the template "TaskTemplate" when creating new (sub-)tasks in the WBS. Please name the pages Tasks/X/Y/... where X and Y and ... are the task numbers in the hierarchy.

Doing all the tasks should result in reaching the objective of the ProjectCharter

There is a Tasks page available of all tasks and subtasks. Alternatively you can browse the task hierarchy using the links below.

Tasks/1 FRBR-based data model
Tasks/10 Mass Ingest System
Tasks/11 GUI Integration
Tasks/12 OAI-PMH
Tasks/13 Licensing/Authetication/Authorization
Tasks/14 TDR
Tasks/2 Production agreement
Tasks/20 PLANETS in DOMS
Tasks/21 Bistorage and Bitstorage Webservice
Tasks/22 Doms Auth system
Tasks/23 Fedora
Tasks/24 ECM
Tasks/25 Task Update Tracker
Tasks/26 Characterization
Tasks/27 High level bitstorage
Tasks/28 DOMS Server
Tasks/29 Surveillance
Tasks/3 Fedora 3.2 setup
Tasks/30 DOMS Client
Tasks/31 Summa integration
Tasks/32 OAI-PMH
Tasks/33 Mass Ingest
Tasks/34 GUI
Tasks/35 Test Bed
Tasks/36 Further Framework
Tasks/37 Datamodel
Tasks/4 Integration with Bitstorage
Tasks/5 Enhanced Content Models
Tasks/6 Characterisation
Tasks/7 Documentation
Tasks/8 API
Tasks/9 Integration with Summa